Business Planning

Business Plan

When operating a business, most of the times there is confusion as to how e.g. the business will start, what type of resources are required for operations, how much capital is required and how sustainable these funds are going to be in term of returns and other unforeseen circumstances that may result to the failure of such company. A comprehensive business plan will show all essential resources needed in order not just survive but rise from any challenge.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or project planning.

Market Research

Discover the target market, collect and document opinions and make informed decisions.

Porter’s 5 Forces

Understand whether new products or services are potentially profitable.

The need of a business plan

The business plan includes important information about the company drawn from financial data, including sales and profit margins, and the market potential and sustainability of the business idea. It will set out a clear map as to what type of capital investment is required to start-up and operate the business and what are the key success factors in terms of achieving strategic objectives and financial performance.


The plan will encompass :

  • An executive summary covering company's present and historical operations
  • Business sector overview
  • Capital requirements needed to start operations
  • The company's potential including number of employees necessary to meet goal projections
  • Industry analysis, how consumer base grows year by year
  • Business model
  • Sales & marketing strategies
  • Segmentation along with competitors Strengths, weaknesses opportunities risks, competitive analysis, etc.

‘’Without a plan, even the most brilliant business can get lost. You need to have goals, create milestones and have a strategy in place to set yourself up for success.’’

Yogi Berra